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Dr. Hoffman”s Medical Weight Loss Program Santa Rosa, CA

Are you overweight and wanting to change your life?

Lorraine and Mary are examples of how Dr Hoffman has helped thousands of patients, and using his Medical Weight Loss programs, he can help you regain your sense of self confidence and lose weight.  Medical Weight Loss programs with Dr Hoffman are supervised, and every step of the way he will evaluate your progress and work to eliminate any obstacles that you encounter.  Each of the Medical Weight Loss programs are different, designed for you as a unique individual – yet every one of his weight loss programs will detail how to eat for health using wholesome foods that are rich in nutrients, how to exercise to maximize your body’s unique metabolism, and how to establish a more healthy relationship with food so that you can understand why emotional patterns that drive unhealthy habits can be overcome and left in the past.

The basics outlined above are very important pieces of any Medical Weight Loss program, yet the more advanced integrative and naturopathic therapies are designed to help restore your body’s ability to better “self regulate” its own metabolism, restore hormone balance, bring vibrant energy back into your life, support healthy skin – hair – and nails, as well as to give you the tools to stay thin, feel sexy and love your body again.

Medical Weight Loss in Santa Rosa, Dr Justin N Hoffman
Medical Weight Loss in Santa Rosa, Dr Justin N Hoffman 707-292-8882

Medical Weight Loss Programs are Desperately Needed:

Did you know that less than one third of all adults in the US are at a healthy weight? Being obese increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and some cancers. If you are obese, losing even 5 to 10 percent of your weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases! (NIH)

The balance between calories-in and calories-out is maintained and regulated by each individuals body.  How many calories go in, depends upon your diet and digestion.  Staying healthy depends in part upon the type and quality of the foods you eat.  How many calories you burn can be determined by things like exercise and activity level, your Basal Metabolic Rate, and genetics.  Food cravings, stress, overeating, eating high-fat foods and sedentary jobs can all contribute to the process of weight gain over time.

Patients will ask: “Why is it that I can’t loose weight?- I do all of the right things, I eat well, I exercise, I watch my stress levels, and I just can’t keep it off?

Many patients have tried numerous diets to only fail time and time again in loosing their desired weight, and then gain it right back- sometimes more!  In order for your body to loose weight, your metabolism needs to be working for you instead of against you!  And, there are safe, healthy ways to improve your rate of metabolism effectively, and loose weight naturally without gaining it back.

Dr. Hoffman’s Natural Medical Weight Loss Program works, and is designed to balance your metabolism and help you keep your weight off in the long term.

How is Obesity Measured?

Body mass index is a way to measure body fat in men and women.

What is Body Mass Index?

Calculate your BMI here

What are the Health Risks of Being Overweight?

There are many associated risk  of being overweight.  Much of the scientific literature out there speaks about a wide variety of problems related to being overweight, such as:

  1. Increased risk of cancers
  2. Increased risk of diabetes, pre-diabetes and insulin resistance
  3. Increased risk of heart disease, stroke, heart attacks
  4. Increased risk of fractures, arthritis and debilitating physical injury
  5. Increased risk of hormone imbalance
  6. Increased risk of inflammatory diseases
  7. Decreased quality of life
  8. Depression
  9. Anxiety
  10. Isolation
  11. Emotional and mood swings

If you are overweight, you are more likely to develop certain health problems. You may be able to improve your health by losing as little as 10 to 20 pounds. Read more here.

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Justin Hoffman’s Medical Weight Loss Programs and how he can help you lose weight and improve your health in the years to come, click here.

Call 707-292-8882