hCG Diet in the News.
Dr. Hoffman’s hCG Diet in Santa Rosa, CA
As the hCG Diet gains popularity, Dr. Oz discusses the pros and the cons:
If you are considering the hCG diet, here are a few key things to keep in mind:
1) Any and all hCG related products offered on line should be avoided and considered dangerous. HCG is a prescription medication and can only be prescribed by your physician or a qualified and licensed health care practitioner. Sites selling hCG online are illegal and many are under investigation by the DEA or the Department of Justice. If you are offered hCG online, you should immediately assume that it is a scam, or that you are being offered that product illegally.
2) In addition to the online sales of hCG being illegal, online hCG should be considered unsafe. Most products offered online are not what you think they are, and if they contain any hormone, that hormone may have come from countries such as China, India, or from other sources in the United Sates that are not regulated or inspected. You never know what you are getting, or if the substance you are being sold is even safe.
3) Most physicians utilize the Simmeon’s protocol which is outdated and unnecessarily extreme. Dr. Hoffman does not endorse the Simmeon’s Protocol and has developed a new cutting edge hCG Diet that is based on the most current medical research and our modern day understanding of endocrinology and human physiology.
4) Dr. Hoffman does not endorse any hCG program that restricts a patients diet to only 500 calories. Most all of Dr. Hoffman’s hCG Diet patients are put on a 1000 Calorie diet, which is twice what was recommended by the late Dr. Simmeons in the 1960’s.
5) Most physicians are using compounded hCG which has been compounded by pharmacies that are not regulated or quality controlled. Dr. Hoffman does not endorse the use of compounded hCG and only uses the highest quality of hCG available on the market today: Novarel or Pregnyl. Both of these forms of hCG are labeled USP standardized and are from quality controlled FDA approved pharmacies. These are the only two labeled prescription hCG medications available in the United States and anything else should be avoided.
6) Homeopathic hCG drops are a scam and should be avoided. Compounded HCG Drops are ineffective and are given in far too high doses. You can at best assume that you are absorbing 35% of what you take orally as a medication. So physicians utilizing hCG drops (which is compounded and inferior in quality), are needing to prescribe much higher doses of that medication to assure the desired effect. In this case, more is not better.
7) In Dr. Hoffman’s clinical experience, he has seen the most predictable and reliable results from the injectable form of bioidentical Novarel or Pregnyl. The injections are given in small metered doses daily, and each patient only receives the minimum required amount of medication to have the desired physiologic response and effect. This lessens the likelihood of possible complications and, makes the results of the treatment more predictable and consistent.
Dr. Hoffman customizes diets for each and every patient that he works with and focuses on addressing any underlying metabolic imbalances that can cause unwanted weight gain. Dr. Hoffman has been utilizing his hCG Program for 5 years with great success. He offers training for other physicians wanting to learn how to utilize hCG as an adjunct treatment modality in weight loss and is passionate about helping patients improve their health and regain their vitality ans zest for life!
To learn more about Dr. Hoffman and his natural metabolic hCG Diets, please click here. or call 707-292-8882
Dr. Hoffman practices in Santa Rosa, CA and offers his services to the following areas: Sonoma County, Marin County, Napa, Sonoma, Healdsburg, Petaluma, Rohnert Park, San Anselmo, Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, San Francisco.