When seeking a medically supervised weight loss program it is important to have your doctor perform a full medical history and assessment. The history is important because it will give clues as to possible underlying medical issues, such as Hypothyroidism, which is notorious for producing weight gain. In addition, a family history is equally important in your assessment as it will give your doctor a basis for laboratory testing that may be necessary.
In addition to personal and family health history there are other underlying issues which may produce weight gain. If we determine there may be other factors involved, Dr. Hoffman may recommend additional testing for you. Remember, the goal is for you to lose the weight and keep it off in the long term. Often, keeping the weight off in the long term requires addressing other factors that are underlying the weight gain itself which can be merely a symptom of a larger problem.
As part of your history, Dr Hoffman will also review any medications you are taking. There are some medications which can cause weight gain, for example – Beta Blockers. Medications in this class will make it almost impossible to lose weight. There are other medications which can affect weight loss and if you are on medications they will all be reviewed.
Once the review of the history is completed and physical examination will be performed. The physical will generally be brief in nature and Dr Hoffman will also check your weight, and obtain your initial physical measurements. These parameters will be monitored to chart your progress.
Injectable HCG has been used routinely for men and boys for several conditions. It has been FDA approved for boys between age 4-9 with undecended testicle(s) and it is one of the earliest medical use of HCG. Young boys are given shots of HCG to help the undecended testicle descend into the scrotum at doses starting at 4000 units, which is much higher than is used as part of weight loss program.The other FDA approved indication for men is in the treatment of low testosterone or Hypogonadism. Some men start losing the ability to produce testosterone earlier than expected due to pituitary gland deficiency, and some men do not want to take testosterone as replacement therapy; these men may opt to use HCG to increase their testosterone levels.
HCG is used off label in men who are receiving medical care for low testosterone or Hypogonadism to prevent testicular atrophy. Testicular atrophy can take approximately 1-3 month to manifest. Some doctors opt to treat their patients for atrophy concurrently while on testosterone replacement therapy with HCG injections to prevent testicular atrophy. Another common use of HCG is to prevent testicular atrophy by body builders. Body builders who abuse steroids develop testicular atrophy, which is commonly referred to as “shrinkage”. They usually undergo cycles of steroid use. Once they start taking steroids they will eventually stop producing their own natural testosterone. Once the testicles stop producing testosterone, the testicles will shrink. To resolve this side effect, they take HCG via injection to return the testicle to its normal state and function.
Testosterone in men improves many physiological functions, including increased libido, strength, endurance, focus and concentration. In addition, testosterone has the ability to facilitate the lipolysis or the breakdown of fat. Men who are overweight typically have low testosterone and elevated estrogen. Thus, HCG makes for a logical choice. Men following Dr Hoffman’s HCG weight loss program will show an increase in serum testosterone with an overall increase in their sense of well being while on the HCG diet. So, in addition to losing weight there are other secondary benefits for men on the HCG weight loss program wishing to reset their metabolism.
When HCG is used for weight loss, it is used off label and it is done at the discretion of the doctor if he feels it is in the best interest of the patient.
To learn more about Dr Hoffman’s HCG Medical Weight Loss Program, call 707-292-9992